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Welcome to The Change Makers Journal

#changemaker #impact #mediacommunications #mindfulness #personalgrowth #publicrelations #smallbusiness Jul 21, 2023
green background glowing yellow word welcome and woman with long hair smiling in garden

Welcome to the journal!

I'm very happy to meet you here in the journal, where I invite you to go right ahead and pick my brains on all of the topics I'm sharing, from how to increase your impact, build your brand awareness, grow your influence and income for yourself or your organisation, and mostly the battle with the biggest obstacle of all, yourself.

You see, if you've found this journal, you aren't like the rest. You're driven and people like you are motivated to make a difference, to change things up for the better and are committed to doing what it takes.

Why do I say the biggest obstacle is inside ourselves? As a change maker, you aren't prepared to settle for the status quo and two traits of high achievers include firstly, having great confidence in your own ability to succeed towards your goals, but equally struggling with self-doubt. This insecurity drives you to constantly strive for the next level, leaving you feeling very busy and overwhelmed at times.

There is a better way and I've been learning and cultivating this for my students and self for decades. When we cut out the distractions and allow space to learn about mindfulness and grow our self-awareness the gift is becoming a better version of yourself. The flow-on effect is it's not just you who receives the gold as the good change ripples beyond you, to your family, friends, co-workers and community!

When you have more clarity in life, you find yourself feeling happier and inspired. This is my mission, to share the skills I've learnt from mentors and transformative life lessons, so that you too have the opportunity to live an intentional and inspired life!

I look forward being alongside you on your journey. Let's stay connected through my regular articles developed entirely with you living your best, most impactful change making life in mind! 

Even if you feel too busy or hesitant to start growing your visibility, Leigh shares 20 years of lessons gained through coaching and training people like you about sharing your message with the world. Start actively growing your influence, impact and income through brand visibility today!

Your Step Up and Stand Out Visibility workbook